Publication launch

un/luck panel & publication


Saturday 4 May, 2PM

What is luck?

This publication collects a series of responses to this question from a group of artists connected with the Doctoral programmes at the Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland and The Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki, who together consider luck and its connotations from a wide variety of artistic positions across cultures, geographies, and artistic practices, asking how aspects of chance, unpredictability, agency and control intersect with place, privilege, history and language.

Conceived as a parallel venue to the exhibition, un/luck explores the potential for publishing as a means of exchange. Produced on a risograph, the publication experiments with an iterative approach, unfolding over the duration of the project. First presented at the Kuva Research Days in December 2023, this next edition features contributions from: Roma Anderson, Katrina Beekhuis, Matthew Cowan, Paul Cullen, Miklos Gaál, Matthew Galloway, Ngahuia Harrison, Henna-Riikka Halonen, Sean Kerr, Yukari Kaihori, Louise Menzies, Ilya Orlov, Peter Robinson, Mirimari Väyrynen and Denise Ziegler.

To celebrate the launch, we are hosting a panel discussion with artists Henna Riikka Halonen, Miklos Gaál and Mirimari Väyrynen, moderated by our Exhibitions Manager Nina Dyer. ⁠


Experimental film photography


Saturday 27 April, 11AM

Embrace the element of chance in this film photography workshop with contemporary artist Kate van der Drift. Over this 3-hour workshop, you will learn stylistic and technical skills in 35mm film camera technologies, including exposure, shutter and other key camera functions. Kate will explore how artists employ analogue techniques to inform their practices, encouraging participants to consider the creative potential and magic of working with film by trying experimental technical approaches, working towards unknown outcomes.


Spontaneous Sculpture


Saturday 20 April, 2.30PM

Join us for a contemporary sculpture workshop led by Katrina Beekhuis and Ambrose O’Meagher, who will guide in the creation of temporary sculptures and installations developed through conversation, collaboration, and chance. Through close engagement with the surrounding environment, salvaging materials and re-purposing everyday objects, you’ll be encouraged to employ the power of luck and chance in the art-making process. This workshop embraces the potential of daily moments to expand awareness and spur thought.


Omamori charms for kids


Saturday 30 March, 10.30AM

Omamori are Japanese charms that are believed to provide good luck and protection to the wearer. Come along to this whānau-friendly workshop to make your own paper omamori charms and bring luck into your life.

Artist talk

In Conversation


Saturday 16 March, 2PM

Join exhibiting artists Katrina Beekhuis, Matthew Cowan, Sean Kerr and Yukari Kaihori for a floor talk to celebrate the opening weekend of Eight thousand layers of moments. The artists will discuss their respective works and contributions to the collaborative exhibition.

Exhibition opening

Eight thousand layers of moments


Thursday 14 March, 5PM

Celebrate the opening of our new exhibition Eight thousand layers of moments, which examines the understanding of luck and the form it has taken across history, culture and language. This exhibition is a collaboration between Doctoral students and alumni from the Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts in Helsinki, and Elam School of Fine Arts at Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland.


Yoga Vinyasa Flow

with Radiqal Movement


Saturday 24 February, 10.30AM

Radiqal Movement’s Vinyasa classes cultivate balance and establish steadiness. Flow through a thoughtfully curated sequence linking breath and movement, allowing the mind and body to find a moving meditation. Scarlett will lead you through a juicy Vinyasa flow, introducing core Āsana (yoga poses) that are accessible and adaptable. Scar takes special care in tailoring the practice to individual needs, offering a range of modified movements and stretches to cater to all fitness levels, experiences, and confidence. Whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, you’ll find a space where you can challenge yourself at your own pace. This class encourages a holistic and inclusive approach to yoga.

Radiqal Movement are a queer-affirming, body-liberating, “fitness” organisation formed in November of 2021. They are one of the first and only organisations in Aotearoa to offer gender-affirming, joyful exercise experiences tailored to our LGBTQ+ whānau. This event is part of the 2024 Auckland Pride Festival. See the full programme at


Moving Encounters & Expressive Visual Arts-Making


Saturday 10 February, 2PM

Moving Encounters is a blissful mindful movement practice which guides you to connect to your charged presence and creativity. Each mover is guided to explore expressivity through embodied interaction and visual arts-making. Sessions progress from partner work to free-style expression with varying degrees of contact – from fingertips to full-body, from skin-to-skin intimacy to encounters that stretch across the gallery space. The workshop helps bring peace to the mind and body through release and connections to others. Moving Encounters is an embodied process to unlock creative flow.

Facilitated by Daneil Cunningham. This event is part of the 2024 Auckland Pride Festival. See the full programme at


Curator tour

with coffee + donuts


Saturday 20 January, 2PM

Join Gus Fisher Gallery curator Lisa Beauchamp for a guided tour of Outcast: Jasmine Togo-Brisby and John Vea where she will discuss existing and newly commissioned works by the exhibiting artists. Enjoy the talk with complimentary donuts and Kōkako coffee.






Gus Fisher Gallery
74 Shortland Street
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Central 1010

Tuesday – Friday:
10am – 5pm
10am – 4pm